Bibliographical data base, co-produced by AFERA and Inter-university library of Montpellier – Section Nimes Medicine
Base created in 1983, on the initiative of the AFERA, professor Jean Bossy and the Nimes Medicine Library.
20000 references in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine : articles of our collections of reviews, congresses, books, papers and theses.
A database regularly enriched by the acquisitions of the Library : more than 1000 new references per year.
An indexing made by acupuncturists with a thesaurus created by a team of acupuncturists and librarians.
A base where all the references are documents preserved in our library.
This data base serves also to help students complete their final theses and obtain their Diploma in acupunture and obstetrical acupunture.
The access the documents :
Consultation at the library
Loan under condition
Librarians to provide information about the data base, to loan and copy documents and to help with research
Bibliothèque universitaire Médecine Nîmes – 186 chemin du Carreau de Lanes – 30908 Nîmes Cedex 2
Mail :
Tel. +33 (0)4 66 02 81 50